Lush Less Waste Campaign

12:27 AM

Lush is having a great and important campaign in Switzerland at the moment: the Less Waste Campaign!

What does it consist in?

This concept comes from the conviction that it is possible to live on a daily basis producing less waste. The goal is not to renounce to anything, but rather to think twice about what we do and how we behave. For example, there are shops with packaging-free products in many cities. Pasta, flour, sugar or rice are sold in bulk, and it is possible to fill personal containers that you bring with you when you go shopping. This applies even to cleaning products.

And of course, this applies to cosmetics! Lush has many products that are sold without packaging, such as their soaps, solid shampoos or solid hair conditioners. You can bring your own container and fill it with one of their solid shampoos for example.
Also instead of bringing home your purchases in a plastic bag, you can use one of their furoshiki, a Japanese-style wrapping cloth.

Another great point is the packaging material that Lush use, i.e. the Ecoflow! On a side note, Lush first thought of using popcorn :D (it could have been cool to get popcorn with your order!), but as Ecoflow, a simple potato starch nugget material, takes 23% less energy than popcorn to produce, Ecoflow was a better choice. It also biodegrades quickly in water and soil.

I got a few Lush products that are in line with this less waste compaign. The shampoo and conditioner are solid and come in a metallic tin (that you have to purchase separately). The soap and body balm are packaged with recyclable paper and the mouth wash and deodorant are packaged with a recyclable plastic.

Lush Sunrise SOAP

Sunrise soap is a spring limited edition.
This soap contains tangerine, bergamot and mandarin oil, which provide a delicious citrusy scent, perfect to wake you up in the morning!
And super interestingly, there is a soft murumuru butter core for additional moisturizing properties! I think the addition of the murumuru butter core is pretty amazing since it avoids the soap to be too drying for your skin! I really like the smell and this moisturizing core!

Lush Soak and Float SHAMPOO BAR

Soak and Float is a solid shampoo that contains cade oil, rose oil, tonka, cedarwood and real marigold and rose petals!
According to Lush, Cade oil is derived from juniper and has long been used to treat psoriasis, dandruff, and eczema. Rose and marigold petals calm things down and soothe redness. All good things to help soothe scalps.

OK, guys I must say that I am super impressed with this shampoo. To be honest I didn't expect much from it as it seemed quite weird to use a solid shampoo. Moreover, dandruff is a problem of mine so I was a bit worried to replace my regular shampoo with it. I decided to aternate between my regular shampoo and Soak & Float.
What first impressed me is how easy it is to use. You can simply rub it between your hands to create a lather, or directly onto hair and then massage your hair and scalp. Personally I directly rub it onto my hair and it lathers almost immediately. It washes off easily without leaving any perceptible residues and leaves my scalp soothed and without irritation! Sincerely, I'm a fan and that's definitely a product I will repurchase!



This conditioner promises to give volume and texture. It contains sea salt, cedarwood and honey.
Sea salt helps with texture and volume, cedarwood is all about toning and balancing the scalp and honey provides moisture. It's made without the use of heavy butters or oils and therefore doesn't weigh your hair down. It also leaves behind a subtle woodsy fragrance of cedarwood oil.

To use it, you have to work the bar between your hands before applying a small amount into wet hair. I tried to rub it directly onto my hair but it doesn't work very well this way so it's better to first work it between your hands. When you do this, the solid conditioner transforms into a light lotion that you can apply to your hair. I totally agree with the claims that it doesn't weigh your hair down, I think it locks hydration in and therefore makes your hair feel smooth and soft. But for me it doesn't provide enough moisture. I usually use an olive and argan oil-based conditioner ('s soften up conditioner) because I really like oil-based conditioners to provide deep moisture. So I think The Plumps is an ok conditioner but not the best conditioners I've tried so far. I will still use it because it does the job and leaves the hair soft and yes, slightly fuller, but as I said I'd love it to be a bit more moisturizing.



Elbow Grease is a multi purpose oil moisturizer. You can use it for almost everything: it was originally designed for elbows but it works great for feet, cuticles and hands or basically anywhere that needs moisture. I don't have any tattoos but apparently it works great to revive their colors.

Elbow Grease is a balm that transforms into an oil when it comes in contact with your body heat (or when the weather is super hot). It instantly melts into an oil. The packaging is not super convenient that's why I reconditioned it into an old empty jar.
It's formulated with coconut oil, cupuacu butter, murumuru butter and it feels really - yes, really moisturizing! I have been using it especially on my hands and cuticles that were crazily dry and it makes them super smooth and soft. I find it much more efficient than Lemon Flutter! :D I've also used it on my elbows and legs and finally my legs no longer resemble sandpaper!! Hooray! :)



It's a talc, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium trisilicate-based powder deodorant. It also contains tea tree oil that neutralises bacteria and powdered sage that is astringent and will help you sweat less.

I have to say it didn't really work for me. First I find it difficult to apply. Everytime I tried to apply it I got powder everywhere on my floor and it was difficult to apply enough on my arm pits. I didn't seem to adhere very well. I've heard that some people applied it with a makeup brush to have more control, I haven't tried that because I didn't want to sacrifice one of my brushes but this could be a great option! Secondly, it didn't work to keep me fresh all day, I won't go into too many details but you get the thing :p
However I tried to apply it on my feet and for that purpose I have to say that it works quite well to keep my feet clean and fresh so I'm using it for this at the moment - and to apply the powder I step in my shower to avoid having powder everywhere on my floor :p



My sister has recently bought me the Crème de Menthe mouthwash tabs because she knew I wanted them but they were always out of stock everytime I visited Lush and she was able to find them :D In the meantime, I got a PR package with Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster so now I have mouthwash tabs in 2 "flavors" :)

The mouthwash tabs can be used after brushing your teeth or throughout the day whenever you fancy a bit of oral refreshment. To use it, take a tab in your mouth, take a sip of water and chew. Gargle for a minute or so and then spit out.
I think both Crème de Menthe and Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster feels really refreshing and the feeling last for about 5-10 min. Crème de Menthe has obviously a mint scent while Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster has lemon and aniseed notes. Mint is a classic that always feels refreshing but I must say that I like Pan Galactic even better. The lemon and aniseed notes are just fantastic!

Overall the products here that I like the best and that I will definitely repurchase are the Soak & Float shampoo bar (so easy to use and it soothes my scalp) and the elbow grease (awesome for dry cuticles)! I just love these 2 products! I also really enjoy the Sunrise soap because I love the moisturizing core and the citrusy smell!

And of course, don't forget the less waste campaign and what you could do to decrease wastes!

Purchase info
Lush products can be purchase online at for Switzerland.

*contains some PR samples*

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  1. Les produits Lush sont toujours très sympas dans leur conception d'utilisation je trouve et la liste d'ingrédients est en plus toujours nickel ! Quant à gaspiller moins, il faudrait que je commence par réussir à finir des produits de maquillage hi hi ;)
    Bisous et très jolies photos !

    Kédidja |

    1. haha oui les produits de maquillage, c'est rare que je les finisse sauf les fonds de teint. Par contre tout ce qui est skincare, je les utilise trop rapidement :P

  2. I love lush products and this less waste campaign is great I wish more companies would think about it too. I have 3 of their shampoo bars now and I love them! Although they do keep getting stuck in my tins so then I forget to use them for awhile and use regular shampoo even though I prefer the solid ones. The elbow grease moisture bar sounds so nice too, I might have to try that one!

    Ellie x

    1. Exactly, I love what Lush is doing and that they make us aware of this! I didn't expect to love the shampoo bar as much as I do, but I'm really impressed. I will definitely repurchase it!

  3. Great campaign! I love that Lush are so eco-conscious. Where I live they have banned plastic shopping bags to reduce waste, we take eco-friendly green bags to do our grocery shopping. Love seeing the different Lush products available in another part of the world too!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. Here a few big stores have started banning plastic bags and I think this is a really good thing! At least this forced me to take my eco bag for the grocery!

  4. The Sunrise Soap sounds amazing, I love Bergamont! Great campaign. I think there's always more calls for companies to be eco-friendly so this is a great initiative. Great post x

    1. That soap is so great to help wake up you in the morning, delicious smell <3

  5. Lovely blog
    Going to share and subscribe

  6. Lovely post! This post reminds me that I need to pay lush a must needed visit.

  7. Love the idea of a less waste campaign! xx You're right, that packaging is not really too convenient. The sunrise soap sounds luscious though! x
    Lots of love,
    Marina Rosie x

    1. Hi sweetie <3 Happy to hear you like the idea :D And yep the soap is pretty cool!


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