
Scandal - Mirage Pink

4:43 PM

Hi there~

From today I will start presenting you the polishes I bought in Seoul.

The first one is a polish from the brand "Scandal", a Korean brand.

The name of the polish is "Mirage Pink" (#304). It's a coral-based polish with pink, orange and gold in it. Its name is Mirage Pink but to me the overall result is more coral and orange-toned than pink....

So yeah, somtimes, the polish looks really coral on your nails and it leans toward orange while in the shade, it looks more pink (medium pink). And nearly all the time, it flashes gold really strongly! This gold flash is much stronger than what you have in Zoya Happi for example. And Zoya Happi is clearly pink (bubble gum pink) and doesn't have any other color in its base while here, Mirage Pink has a trichrome coral-orange-pink base. I believe that the "orange effect" is due to this strong gold flash.
Application was very nice, a little sheer on the first layer but opaque with 2 or 3 coats. Here I used 3 coats, without top coat.

Duochrome! See the orange in the lower part of the nails and pink in the upper part.
On this last picture, you can see the orange color on the lower part of the nail and the pink color on the upper part (duochrome).

Finally I'd like to show you a bottle comparison between the Scandal and the Nfu Oh's bottles.

You can click on the picture to enlarge it.

Final verdict: This is the first time I use any Scandal nail polishes and I must admit I've been quite impressed by its quality and awesomeness. The color is really intriguing and a bit difficult to describe...it's an orange coral that changes to pink according to the light and has a super strong gold flash. This gold flash is present even in the shade...so no need super stong light to catch a glimps of it! Application was easy.

I bought 2 other Scandal polishes which I'll show you soon. They are glitters~ So Scandal has quite a large range of different polishes (different colors and textures). It's a really interesting brand IMO. Have you already heard about it?

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  1. That orangey-pink in particular is so unique. I love these swatches - thanks so much for sharing!

  2. This color is gorgeous- you read my mind with the bottle comparisons, I thought this was an NFU OH when I saw it in my google reader at first!

  3. Wow, super pretty!! I love anything with a gold flash in it, and coral is my favorite nail color!

  4. Wow, this is so pretty! I love the base color and the flash is awesome.

  5. I definitely wouldn't mind having that polish in my collection, it's gorgeous.

  6. i looooove it!

    if you're not already following me you could if you want to and i'll follow you back if i'm not following you already

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  7. @Seren, thank you for your nice comment and yeah, this polish is totally unique to my stash!

    @Emily. Yeah, the bottle really looks like Nfu Oh's!!kkk

    @Lisa, thank you!!

    @Angie. I also love gold flash and here it is so strong!!

    @Laura, Peredita,Yasmin, and Sarah! thank you, girls!!

    @Mihaela, thanks! I'm already following you!!

  8. Amazing color! Let us know when you are heading to Korea again and I know you will get a couple 100 of bottle orders...ummmh, wonder how you get through customs and explain these are just gifts for friends??? Maybe they could be mailed in bulk safely from friends you have in Soul. Funny how the bottle is soooo like Nfu-OH!! Though not the first time we will or have seen like bottles between brands - this one is just SO recognizable however. Cute bottles are fun - but it's what's in them and that they are not a goofy shape to store is all I really bottom line care about.

  9. so unique and yet stunning! this looks awesome on you


  10. Wow, this color is GORGEOUS!!! I love it! :-)

  11. That's a very pretty polish! Looks great on your nails!

  12. That's a beautiful coral! I love the gold and pink flash! :D

  13. I love, cute, beautiful colors

    thanks, a big kiss, bye


  14. This is so gorgeous. It looks great on you too.
    I also thought this was NFU Oh at first haha :)

  15. Ooooooo so glowy! The shimmer is so luminescent and the colors are so pretty! Thanks for doing the bottle comparison - the first thing I thought was, that looks like Nfu Oh's bottle. Gorgeous mani! <3

  16. Thanks for giving me that info!! I found you on one of their pages, I don't know for sure which one. Thanks for the follow!

  17. Have you tried layering it over black? Would love to see what it does.

  18. @Indian Lacquerade: No I haven't tried it over black but that's a good idea! I will add this to my "manis to try" lists! Thanks!


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