
Il était un vernis - Once Upon A Time

6:00 PM


How was your New Year celebration? I hope everything went well and you had lots of fun ;D

Today I have swatches of a new indie brand from France called "Il était un vernis"! You probably know the creators of the brand because they're very talented and awesome bloggers: Bé (Bérangère) of vernisenfolie.com (she also created Hope in collaboration with piCture pOlish!) and Stéphanie of detoutetderiensurtoutdetout.blogspot.fr.When I heard both of them were going to create their own brand I was very excited because I was sure they would create awesome polishes!

About the brand
Once upon a time there were two friends who met through their blogs. After some years spent together speaking about solvents, glitters and magic, a crazy idea passed through their mind: to create their own nail polish brand. And that's how Il Etait Un Vernis was born.

Bé and Stéphanie worked several months on their first collection to create unique polishes with high quality ingredients. They're working on the soul and idea of each of their polishes and have them manufactured in Australia.

Polishes are 5free and vegan.

Once Upon A Time is their first collection (a second one is already available on ilétaitunvernis.com) and consists of  4 holographic polishes and a glitter bomb!

Beyond Words is made of a plum-raspberry base with scattered holographic particles that lay flat on the nails.
I used 2 coats.
This is one of my favorites from the collection! I love scattered holo particles and the base color is juicy and gorgeous!

Crush On Blue is a sapphire blue metallic polish filled with scattered holographic particles. It has so much depth! That's another gorgeous polish!
I used 2 coats.

Light Box is a black jelly filled with scattered holographic particles and different sizes of blue glitter shards. For the pictures below, I used 2 thick coats.
I thought this one would be my favorite because it looks awesome but I was a bit disappointed that the blue glitters are actually shards, wich means you have to use 2 coats of top coat to make them flat and smooth. That being said, if you use 3 thin coats or 1 coat over a black creme you minimize this issue and the polish looks better imo. So yep, 1 coat over black is the way to go :D That way, it looks nice and smooth.

Live, Love, Laugh is a mixture of different sizes of silver and gold holographic glitters in a clear base. You can either use it to create glitter gradients or to build it up to full opacity with 3 coats.
I really love it to create gradients!!
I used it with IsaDora Blue Jeans (702). I love this combo ;)
By the way, Blue Jeans is opaque in 1 single coat and doesn't stain!! If you're looking for a dark blue polish, I highly recommend it!

No Comment is made of a coral base with scattered holographic particles that lay flat on the nails.
I used 2 coats. 
I'm not the biggest fan of coral nail polishes but once I had it on my nails, I loved it! Surprisingly a favorite of mine! 

Purchase Info
The Il Etait Un Vernisn is available on iletaitunvernis.bigcartel.com. International shipping is available.

*PR Samples*

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