
Estée Lauder Double Wear Makeup to Go Liquid Compact

12:38 AM

Hi there,

First of all, let me wish you an amazing new year filled with much love, happiness, health, and success. I hope you all had nice holidays and could have some much deserved rest ;)

Today I have a review of the newest Estée Lauder foundation, namely EL Double Wear Makeup to Go Liquid Compact. Let me tell you that when I heard that Estée Lauder would release a liquid compact foundation I was overly happy because I love liquid compact foundations. If you know me well, you know that I love Korean cushion foundations and that's why I also decided to do at the end of this post a comparison of the cushions that I own and this new Estée Lauder foundation.

A luminous and hydrating liquid foundation housed in a spill-proof compact. 

"Gives you 8-hour wear at the push of a button.
This luminous and hydrating makeup is different formula than our original Double Wear Stay-in-Place Liquid Foundation. Enriched with an intense tri-moisture complex, it leaves skin looking smooth and natural.

The innovative compact keeps liquid makeup spill-free. Press the button for your custom look—once for a light touch, twice for more coverage.
Take it everywhere."

The packaging is really what set this foundation apart. It's a liquid foundation that you can carry with you to easily handle makeup touch-ups during the day. It's also perfect for travelling.

The case looks luxurious and feels sturdy. It's a glossy black case with the Estée Lauder logo etched on the cap.

To deliver the product, you have to press the button. This will release a drop of foundation.
Typically I use 2 "pumps" for my whole face. You can either use the provided sponge or your regular foundation brush and/or beauty blender. I perfer using it with a brush and finish off with a beauty blender. But I've tried this morning to use it directly with the provided sponge and I think it gives a nice natural finish so I also like it. You can wash the sponge but it's not convenient so a brush is definitely better for regular use and I keep the sponge for on the go.

I think this is an excellent foundation that feels lightweight. It's neither oily nor drying. It glides on smoothly and doesn't settle in fine lines or dry patches. It lasts about 8-9 hours on me.
I haven't noticed an oxidation of the product while wearing it.
What I like the most about this foundation is that it's lightweight and that you can't see you're actually wearing something. It makes your skin smooth and it almost looks polished but still very natural and healthy. Finish is satin.
I personally don't like thick foundations that give high coverage and that's why I like this foundation. Coverage is actually medium and is buildable. Note that the coverage is less than the one from the regular Double Wear foundation. If you're looking for something with high coverage this Makeup On The Go might not be for you. On the contrary if you perfer more natural finishes with still a good ability to conceal some imperfections, you will like it!

The only con I see at the moment is that Estée Lauder doesn't sell refills. That said, you can easily separate the "reservoir" from the case (see picture below) and this makes me guess that Estée Lauder might propose refills later. This is only my guess though.

Finally as promised here is a quick comparison of Estée Lauder Double Wear Makeup to Go Liquid Compact with some Korean cushion foundations that I own.
The case of Banila Co V-V cushion and the Estée Lauder one are actually quite close. However the reservoir of Estée Lauder doesn't fit in Banila Co's case and vice versa so that are not exactly the same. Altough the case is similar, the foundation itself is quite different (see below). Banila Co has a SPF50 while the Estée Lauder doesn't. That said, I prefer foundation without sunscreen and applying a standalone sunscreen. The Estée Lauder foundation contains less potential irritants than the Banila Co (ingredient list of EL, of Banila Co, the Banila Co also contains niaciamide).

The manufacturer of the Banila Co cushion is  Cosmax in Korea while the Estée Lauder is made in Canada.

Estée Lauder Double Wear Makeup To Go, Banila Co V-V Cushion.

And here is my liquid compact collection. I added the Peri's Ink BB for color comparison because I haven't seen many reviews of it online and I thought this might be useful for some people but this is not a cushion foundation of course ;)

The comparison here is just a comparison of the cushions and shades that I have and I don't want to say that one is better than another. When it comes to skincare and makeup everyone is different, YMMV.

From the lightest shade to the darkest shade: BE10 (Banila Co) ¦ Peri's Ink 1 ¦ N13 (Hera) ¦ C21 (Hera) ¦ 1N2 Ecru (EL).

From pink undertones to more yellow: N13 (Hera) ¦ BE10 (Banila Co) ¦ Peri's Ink 1 ¦ C21 (Hera) ¦ 1N2 Ecru (EL).
N13 (Hera) and BE10 (Banila Co) have some pink to neutral undertones, Peri's Ink 1 is neutral, C21 (Hera) is neutral to slightly yellow, and 1N2 Estée Lauder has a little bit of yellow undertones when I compare it with the other colors here but when I wear it alone it still looks pretty neutral to me.
My exact skin shade corresponds to Hera N13 but I can accomodate Peri's Ink 1, C21 (Hera), and 1N2 (Estée Lauder), BE10 from Banila Co is too light for me.

From the lowest coverage to the highest: N13 (Hera) ¦  Peri's Ink 1 = C21 (Hera) ¦ 1N2 (EL) ¦ BE10 (Banila Co). I consider Estée Lauder as medium coverage and Banila Co as high coverage, C21 (Hera) and Peri's Ink are about the same.

I hope this quick comparison helps! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I don't know if I'll be able to reply but I'll do my best!

Purchase info 
Estée Lauder products can be purchased from autorized retailers (NordstromSelfridges, Marionnaud, Douglas, Manor, Globus). For Switzerland, you can shop online at Estée Lauder.ch.

*PR Sample*

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