
Gradient with Exurbe cosmetics and Crystalline Nail Veil

9:51 PM


If you're into nail polishes, I'm pretty sure you've heard how useful liquid latex can be for nail art!
A few brands released their own liquid latex to protect your cuticles when you do gradients, water marbles or stamping and I tried the one from Color4Nails called Crystalline Nail Veil.

To test it, I decided to do a gradient with 3 Exurbe cosmetics shades. Gradients look beautiful but they can be pretty messy and you often end up with much clean-up to do.
However, with  Crystalline Nail Veil, Color4Nails' liquid latex, you can "paint" your cuticles and surrounding skin with it and it will protect them from the nail polish. This means you won't have much clean-up to do.

For this nail art, I used Build Me Up Buttercup, Pure Shores, and Club Tropicana, all by Exurbe Cosmetics.

Build Me Up Buttercup, Pure Shores, and Club Tropicana.

I started to paint my nails with Build Me Up Buttercup, a bright and super pretty yellow cream. I used 2 coats. By the way, I LOVE this polish! It's so bright, it screams summer and holiday!

Then I used Crystalline Nail Veil and applied it around my nails.

It happens the color of  Crystalline Nail Veil is yellow, just as my base polish :D
...the picture below doesn't really look attractive but...yes, you have to see the whole process!lol

Crystalline Nail Veil freshly applied.

After a few minutes,Crystalline Nail Veil will be dry (its color gets darker).

It's dry!!

It's dry! Now it's time to do the gradient :D When it's done, all you have to do is to peel the liquid latex off! There is only minimal clean-up to do, add a layer of top coat and you're done! :D

I hope you like it ;D

Purchase Info 
  • Exurbe polishes can be purchased online from the official website HERE. They offer free shippping within 1 working day with every order. 
  • Crystalline Nail Veil can be purchased from Color4Nails HERE.

*PR Samples*
Purchase Info
Exurbed Cosmetics polishes can be purchased online from the official website HERE. They offer free shippping within 1 working day with every order.
Exurbe Cosmetics is also avilable in selected stores (list HERE).
- See more at: http://www.nailderella.com/2014/12/christmas-nail-art-tutorial.html#sthash.2R2TFkvV.dpuf

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