
piCture pOlish - Cosmos

9:46 PM


Be ready to see an amazing and gorgeous polish today! It's piCture pOlish Cosmos! Cosmos is a polish created in collaboration with the talented Camille from Pshiiit.

Final verdict: Cosmos is a gorgeous navy base polish packed with lots of scatterd holographic particles. The particles are rather big, they look like rainbow flakes. The blue base is very deep and is well pigmented. However, the particles are not eaten by the base but are fully visible. They really give a lot of density to the polish. I'm sincerely in love with this polish. I love the color, the flakes, everything in it actually! Application was super easy. You get full opactity with 2 coats and it dries to a very smooth finish. What I also appreciate is that it almost looks like a glitter polish but without the inconvenients of glitters. It's smooth and easy to remove!

Purchase info:
piCture pOlish polishes can be purchased from piCture pOlish online shop or from various retailers, such as Pshiiit BoutiqueLlarowe, Harolow & Co, Overall Beauty. You can find a list of all piCture pOlish retailers here. Don't forget to follow piCture pOlish on Facebook.
Cosmos will restock on the 12/13th of December.

*Product(s) in this post was(were) sent for my honest review*

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