Marine Blue 3D/Holo by Gliter Gal

9:28 PM


I hope you're all fine and happy! Today I have a gorgeous cobalt holo to show you. This is Marine Blue 3D/Holo by Glitter Gal.

Photo taken outdoor, on a rainy day, with flash.

So Marine Blue is a vibrant cobalt linear holo. The holo effect is nevertheless not as strong as Fuchsia or Dark Purple but it's still very pretty! It's a little more scattered but it's still linear in terms of holo-ness :p 

Wow, have you seen what's inside this bottle?

Final verdict: The base color in this polish is really incredible because it's such a vibrant and energetic blue! Not boring at all! The holo effect is a little wearker than other polishes from the Glitter Gal 3D/Holo line (as Fuchsia or Dark Purple). For example, with Fuchsia or Dark Purple even with low light, you have an amazing holo effect on your nails while with Marine Blue, you need a stronger light to see the holo more clearly. However, this effect is still present and maybe more important than a lot of holos from  other brands...Application was really easy, as for all the Glitter Gal polishes I've tried until now. You will need 2 coats to get full opacity. It's quite pigmented. Top coat doesn't seem to dull the holo effect. And no need for a special base coat, your regular base coat will do the job. If you love vibrand colors and/or blue polishes, you should hurry and grab this one!

I've got one more Glitter Gal to show! (before I get some others... ;D) I'm already preparing my Xmas whish list. Same for you?^^

Glitter Gal polishes can be purchased at llarowe. This is the US stockist for Glitter Gal, Ozotic, and A England polishes, 3 awesome nail polishes brands.They sell internationally and have an awesome customer service.

*Product in this post was sent by the company/PR for my honest review*

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  1. i don't like it :S

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  2. Oh my lord! Even if it wasn't holo, it'd be a beautiful blue! But with the holo.... OMG.

  3. I need some of these .... they all look great!

  4. This polish looks amazing!! I love the second picture!!

  5. This polish is awesome!

  6. Love it. Did you see that there are actually a couple of them on sale on the site right now?

  7. thanks for your nice comments. Nail nerd, thanks for the info! ;D

  8. lovely nail colors!!!

  9. The color is absolutely gorgeous!!! *lemming acquired* XD


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