
Lush Holiday 2018

11:34 AM

Lush holiday collection is so  mesmerizing that I had to share some of my favorite products from this collection!
Without further ado, let's dive into it!

Rudolph Jelly Mask
When I first saw it on Feathers & Brushes (blog, IG) , I knew I had to get it. Seriously, it looks so cute plus knowing that it smelles like chocolate pudding...what can I do?
This jelly mask smells just like chocolate pudding and OMG it's delicious! It contains rhassoul mud and kaolin to give the skin a deep clean and orange juice to tone and brighten. Although it contains rhassoul and kaolin, I don't find it drying at all. This is probably due to its jelly texture and the good amount of glycerin in it. Cocoa powder is also present, it's rich in polyphenols and therefore always a good addition in any skincare products. In terms of results, I don't think this is the most deep cleansing mask ever, but I find it much more moisturizing and hydrating that a typical clay mask. It leaves my skin clean, supple and resisilient plus I love the scent of this mask so much! This is definitely a mask I would recommend if you are a gourmand :D

Yog Nog Yule Log - Bubble Bar*
This is another product I love because of the scent...!! It smells like caramel and marshmallows. This is such a  comforting scent, especially after a long day of work. Another good point for me: it's a bubble bar. Generally I love bubble bars as you can use them more than once and they're therefore economically more interesting than bath bombs. 
It also leaves the skin super soft and feels quite nourrishing. Another product I love!

Holly Berry Massage Bar*
I used not to really care about massage bars but I started using one (the Honey Bear one) last summer and went crazy about it. The Honey Bear has a caramel-honey scent (yeah..caramel again :D ). I leave it at the entrance of my home and every time someone comes it, they make a remark how nice my home smells (lol, this is true) and this is due to this little guy! I also like rubbing my arms with this massage bar before leaving the house, it moisturizes my skin and leaves a delicious scent for several hours! so much love for it!
So I was really excited to try this holiday massage bar! It contains mango butter to nourrish the skin. In terms of scent, it's much more subtle than the Honey Bear (!), it's a bit herbal with a hint of fruit. I like it but I perfer the Honey Bear version. I'll definitely try more massage bars from Lush next year!

Candy Cane - Bubble Bar
This bubble bar is super cute, we can't deny it, can't we?
I haven't tried it yet but it contains lemon and bergamot oils, so this should be refreshing :D

World's Smallest Disco - Bath Bomb
When I saw it in store, I was so intrigued and decided to get it because the description piqued my interest.
"World's Smallest Disco spins right 'round in the tub to reveal a technicolor world of colors and crackling kernels of popping candy. Lime, grapefruit and cognac oils keep spirits bright and soothe seasonal sniffles so you can hit the scene looking, feeling and smelling your best."
The water becomes a super deep black with teeny tiny glitters (they're so small and tiny, you don't end up with glitters on your skin) and you get pops of color, everything looks magical and that's definitely a great bath bomb! It also left my skin super soft!

These are my highlights of this holiday collection but there are a ton of other products I find super original and I'd love to try, too :D I was also lucky to be invited on the Lush bus for the presentation of the collection so I leave you with some pictures of it!

Purchase info
Lush products can be purchase online at lush.ch for Switzerland.

*contains some PR samples (*) and some pruchsed by me*

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