
OHUI Ultimate Cover Cushion Moisture Special Set Asiana Airlines

6:53 PM

Review of a cushion foundation I got recently and this might even be my all time favorite cushion foundation! This is O HUI Ultimate Cover Cushion Moisture!
This cushion is available in a regular packaging all year round but recently O Hui came up with a special set in collaboration with Asiana Airlines. I got it in June if I'm not wrong and I think it's a bit difficult to find it now as it was a limited edition. That said as I really love this cushion I wanted to review it here because you can still get the normal edition that is as I said one of my favorite cushion now!

O Hui is a Korean cosmetics that belongs to LG Household & Health Care, just like The History of Who, Su:m37, belif or The Face Shop. It's a high end brand that focuses on technology to produce gentle and effective products with very clean esthetics.

The Ultimate Cover Cushion Moisture is as the name suggests a medium to high coverage cushion that provides moisture. It's ideally suited for people with dry to normal skin I would say.
I'm normal to slightly combo and sometimes have so dry patches around my nose. This cushion has never emphasized any dry patches and always made my skin flawless and velvety.
Finish is dewy or velvety, on the natural side, it's not overly dewy or shiny although it's a moisture cushion. I don't powder it, only in-between my brows where my frames touch my skin (that's what I do with any foundation), and it lasts all day on me. It starts to disappear at the end of the day but it disappears in an even way, so I don't mind it. I'm actually impressed by its lasting powder conisdering that's it's a moisture cushion.
Coverage is medium with 1 layer but you can easily build it to almost full coverage (see picture below).
It has a very light scent, to me it's a peach scent but I'm not sure exactly :D

Note that my hand is much darker than my face or under arm area (that's why the foundation looks super light in the picture below). I was not careful enough with applying sunscreen on my hands this summer...On the above picture, you can see a comparison between this cushion in shade 01 Milk Beige and the new Dior Backstage foundation in shade 1N. They look quite different on the swatch but both match my face perfectly :D

Up to now my favorite cushion was Hera UV mist cushion (reviewed here) because it looks so natural, never emphasizes dryness or imperfections and because it feels lightweight. The O Hui Ultimate Cover cushion Moisture is a bit similar but provides more coverage while still being lightweight and totally natural. Honestly one of my all time favorite cushions!!
The only con is the shade range: only 2!
In this special set it comes with a mini lipstick and a refill (the refill is under the plastic support in the box, not easy to find :D ).

 Purchase info
O Hui products can be purchased from jolse.com. They are listed here
The Ultimate Cover Cushion Moisture can be found here for USD 44.98 (at the moment USD 38.23). It comes with a refill.


*I received it from Jolse.com for review. I could chose what I wanted to get in their shop*

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by. I also love it :D and the cushion itself is great!


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