
OPI Infinite Shine

5:03 PM


I hope you're all feeling great! First of all, I'm sorry for my absence at the moment but I have so many things to do and so little time that it gets difficult to blog. However, I hope things will get easier soon and that I'll have more free time :D

Anyway, today I have the new OPI Inifinite Shine lacquer system to show you and as you can guess I can't say no to lacquers that promise to last up to 10 days!

OPI Infinite Shine - Gel Effect Lacquer System

This 3-step lacquer system consist of a special base and top coat and a variety of different colored nail polishes.

The promises:
  • Application as easy as any "traditional" OPI nail polish. The only requirement is that you have to work with thin coats.
  • Shine and lasting power up to 10 days
  • No light needed
  • Soak-free removal
  • 30 New, Iconically OPI creme shades

No Stopping Me Now is a warm red creme with orange undertones. I love warm reds and this color is just perfect!

In Pursuit of Purple is a super sweet and delicate lavender. I didn't expect to love this one as much as I do. I don't wear light colors very often but this one made me change my mind! Absolutely adore this color and it's super glossy!

My thoughts:

  • Application as easy as any "traditional" OPI nail polish. => Yes, it's easy to apply! I didn't have to work with especially thin layers to make it dry fast. I just applied it like I would apply any other nail polish.
  • Shine and lasting power up to 10 days. => I usually paint my nails on Sunday. On me, most polishes tend to start chipping on Wesdnesday-Thursday and I have to do some touch-ups at that moment. Finally I can keep them until Friday. With OPI Infinite Shine, I noticed that they do last longer than traditional polishes. The polish still looked perfect until Thursday (so 5 days), with minimal tip wear on Friday. However it started chipping on Saturday (6 days) and with touch-ups I could keep it until next Sunday, which makes a whole week. On average, I think OPI Infinite Shine, although it doesn't last up to 10 days as advertized, lasts a couple of days longer than traditional polishes.
  • No light needed  => That's correct. The polish dries fast (similar to Glisten & Glow - HK girl top coat, my all-time favorite top coat).
  • Soak-free removal => That's correct again, it's easy to remove with traditional nail polish removers.

Overall, I noticed the new OPI Infinite Shine lacquers do last a bit longer (typically a couple of days) than traditional OPI.

I also like that there is a huge variety of colors available. See them HERE.

Purchase info 
OPI polishes can be purchased in professional nail salons, certains pharmacies, and beauty supplies. For Switzerland, you can search for licensed retailers here. You can follow OPI Switzerland on Facebook
*PR Samples*
- See more at: http://www.nailderella.com/2015/03/opi-hawaii-collection.html#sthash.mxFiz206.dpuf

Purchase info
OPI polishes can be purchased in professional nail salons, certains pharmacies, and beauty supplies. For Switzerland, you can search for licensed retailers here. You can follow OPI Switzerland on Facebook.    

*PR Samples*

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