Thermochromic Superficially Colorful Lacquer

10:14 PM


Today I have swatches of some thermochromic polishes from the Israeli brand Superficially Colorful Lacquer! I don't know if it's the same for you, but I always love thermochromic polishes because it's so much fun to see them change colors with temperature.

The 3 polishes I have are part of the Mood Swings collection, a collection made of thermochromic shimmer polishes!

Giggly shifts from a dark purple (cold) to a a bright pink (warm). It also have a gorgeous shimmer running through it. Formula-wise, it's a bit on the thick side but nothing to worry about. It's super pigmented and it's a one coater. It dries to a matte finish. Pictures are with top coat.
I'm really impressed with the shimmer. It gives so much depth to the polish! I really love it!




Serene shifts from a medium (cold) to a light (warm) blue. It also has a very pretty shimmer. It's a very delicate and pretty shade!
It's also a one coater but I applied 2 coats. I dries to a matte finish. I used top coat for the pictures.



Enthralled shifts from a reddish brown with red and copper/gold shimmer when cold to orange-red when warm. Again, look at that shimmah!!
It's a bit less thick and pigmented than the 2 other polishes. It was opaque in 2 coats and dries to a matte finish. I used top coat.

That's how it looked on me without doing anything special. Pretty gradient, right?



It's my first time trying polishes from Superficially Colorful Lacquer but I must say I'm very impressed. I LOVE the shimmer in them!! And the shift in color happens easily.

Have you tried the brand? What do you think of these beautiful polishes?

Purchase info
Superficially Colorful Lacquer can be purchased from SCL shop (HERE). You can follow Superficially Colorful Lacquer on Facebook.

*PR samples*
Purchase info
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