Print anything you want on your nails (tutorial)

10:53 PM


I've always wanted to do some "newsparer nails" but never took the time to do it. However a few ago or so I saw Lisa's awesome manicure on her blog, Lozlosa! It looked so perfect I had to try her version of the famous newspaper nails!
Basically, she printed out of her laser printer some Chinese characters and used water to help the design transfer to the nails. What is really interesting is that she could completely decide what she wanted to have on her nails. You have to see her manicure (HERE)!
So here my version of it!

As a base color, I used 2 coats of Essie Sand Tropez.

And here is a picture of my left hand :p It came out quite cool so I had to show you also this hand!

Now imagine all the possibilities!! You can do personalized nails, with a message to your friends or a sentence you like or even a drawing!! I'm so excited when I'm thinking of all the fun things you can do with this technique!!

I did a tutorial for essie Switzerland so I also post it here ;)

I think it's quite easy to understand how to do it with the pictures but as I did a written tutorial for essie (in French), I post it also here.

 French version:
Voici une façon très originale de personnaliser ses ongles!
1. Commencer par choisir un motif puis l'imprimer sur une feuille avec une imprimante laser.
2. Poser Essie Sand Tropez. Laisser bien sécher.
Ensuite, il faut procéder un ongle après l'autre.
3. Passer une couche de top coat (Essie Good to go) sur un ongle.
4. Tremper votre motif imprimé sur papier dans de l'eau pendant 30 secondes environ pour qu'il soit bien mouillé.
Votre top coat est maintenant quasiment sec mais il ne le sera pas totalement et c'est ce qui va rendre le transfert de la feuile sur vos ongles plus facile.
5. Ensuite appliquer doucement mais fermement le motif sur votre ongle. Appuyer pour que le motif se tansfère bien sur l'ongle. Garder la pression quelques secondes et voilà!
6. Ajouter une couche de top coat pour que l'encre reste bien sur vos ongles.
7. Maintenant il faut faire la même chose sur tous vos ongles en recommançant au point 3.

 English version:
1. Start by printing something on a paper with a laser printer.
2. Paint your nails with Essie Sand Tropez. Let them dry completely.
Then you have to do one nail at a time.
3. Paint one coat of top coat ( Essie Good to go) on one nail.
4. Soak your piece of paper in water for about 30 seconds in order for it to be wet.
Now your top coat must be almost dry but of course, it won't be completely dry (in 30 seconds). This will actually help tansfer the design to your nails.
5. Then apply the piece of paper on your nail. Press on it carefully and keep the pressure for about 10 seconds. and Voilà!
6. Add a coat of top coat to seal the design.
7. Do the same thing on your other nails by starting again at point 3.

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  1. Hey, I knew that this is an older post but I just found it the last days. I really, really love your design and this wonderful tutorial.
    Did you create the template for your nails by your own or can I copy this from the internet? I am really addicted to this amazing letters. It would be great if you answer me. :)

    1. Hi Jessi! Thank you for your message and compliment!
      I found the design on internet. Unfortunately I didn't liknk it in the article and I can't remember where I found it...I must have typed Something like "xxx typography" in Google image. Sorry I can't really help you more.

    2. OMG, I found it the same design here:

  2. Hey... these are amazing... have you ever tried using a nail printer?

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  4. Hey can i use this technique with inkjet printer?? I have an inkjet printer... Once i i tried but it didn't came out

  5. Hi, can i use a printed paper that is a few days old? Or did you use a freshly printed paper


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