Zoya - Tiffany

8:32 PM


As I broke 2 nails on my swatching hand when I came back from holiday, I will show you pictures I took before........when my nails were all right ;D So I will have to wait a little before trying and showing my new polishes from Korea...saaaaaaad!!

But I have great stuff to show so it's also fun!

My nail of the day will be Tiffany from Zoya Fire & Ice Collection (Winter/Holiday 2010).  Tiffany is a peachy, coppery polish with a gorgeous gold shimmer and a foil finish. The color is a rather neutral color (not too much in your face) but the bright shimmer makes it more special and interesting. I like this kind of shades when you want something subtle yet unique.

Application was super easy, it's not too thick nor too thin. You get easily a smooth and even look.  So the formula of this polish was great. I applied 3 coats.

Tiffany (Zoya), 3 coats, without top coat

Tiffany (Zoya), 3 coats, without top coat
Tiffany (Zoya), 3 coats, without top coat

Tiffany (Zoya), 3 coats, without top coat, with flash. So sparkly!!!!!
Tiffany (Zoya), 2 coats, low sun. Really interesting texture.

*You can click on the pictures to enlarge them*

Final verdict: I ended up liking this polish a hundred times better than I tought I would. From the swatches and comments I saw I tought it was not that great but OMG I was really impressed by it and it's now among my favorites. I'm glad I ordered it. The color and finish are really interesting and was so easy to apply that I really love it.

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  1. I love it when I like a polish more on my nails than I do in the bottle! It's like a fun little surprise!

  2. This looks so beautiful :) I love Zoya :)

    Love Christine ♥

  3. yeah, Carlie. It's always a nice surprise!!^^

    Thanks Christine! Zoya do quite amazing polishes, you're right!

    Jossie, thank you! I'm glad you like it!

    Jacki, thanks for your nice comment!

  4. This is a very pretty polish!

  5. The colour looks great on you - I find it such a strange and unique one, but ultimately very pretty!

  6. Thanks you, ladies! I always love reading your comments!


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